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285 lines
; $VER: UserID Install 2.01 (12.22.94) by Jason Gouger
(set source-dir (pathonly (expandpath @icon)))
(procedure install-exit
(complete 100)
(transcript "\nPlease support the ShareWare concept.\n")
(set @default-dest UserID-Dir)
(exit @app-name" is ShareWare\n\nPlease support the ShareWare concept!")
(procedure select-destination-directory
(set destdir
(prompt "In which drawer should "@app-name" be installed?")
(help "You should install "@app-name" in the Doors Path defined in the MEBBSNet configuration.")
(default "DOORS:")
(set UserID-Dir(tackon destdir "UserID"))
(procedure copy-userid-text
(set Text-Dir(tackon UserID-dir "Text"))
(transcript "\nCopying UserID.[txt] files...\n")
(source (tackon source-dir "Text")) (dest Text-Dir)
(pattern "UserID.#?")
(procedure copy-userid-prg
(source source-dir) (dest UserID-Dir)
(pattern "UserID")
(procedure copy-userid-dat
(transcript "\nCopying default data file...\n")
(source source-dir) (dest UserID-Dir)
(pattern "UserID.DAT")
(procedure copy-userid-doc
(transcript "\nCopying documentation...\n")
(source source-dir) (dest UserID-Dir)
(pattern "UserID.guide")
(if(= 1 install-icons) (infos))
(if ((exists "SYS:Utilities/MultiView"))
(dest (tackon UserID-Dir "UserID.guide"))
(setdefaulttool "SYS:Utilities/MultiView")
(dest (tackon UserID-Dir "UserID.guide"))
(setdefaulttool "SYS:Utilities/AmigaGuide")
(procedure copy-shell-games
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like to install the example Shell Game scripts?")
(help "Selecting YES to this option will Install the Optional Shell Game "
"scripts. These scripts ARE NOT needed for the operation of UserID. "
"These scripts need customization, therefore it is not recommended "
"for 'non-programming' oriented sysop's.\n\nNote: These scripts "
"require the DosDriver program."))
((transcript "\nCopying Example Shell Game Strartup Scripts...\n")
(source (tackon source-dir "ShellGames")) (dest (tackon UserID-Dir "ShellGames"))
(pattern "#?")
(if(= 1 install-icons) (infos))
(procedure add-userid-logon
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like the "@app-name" door appended to your Logon.[txt] file(s)?")
(help "Selecting YES to this option will append the UserID Door call to the "
"end of your Logon.[txt] file(s). followed by a 'Press return'."))
((set logon-txt-dir
(prompt "In which drawer are the LogOn.[txt] file(s) located?")
(help "Select the directory in which the MEBBSNet text files are stored.")
(default "MEBBSNet:Txt")
(if (= 2 (exists logon-txt-dir))
((set logon-text "\n~v!DOOR/")
(set logon-text (cat logon-text UserID-Dir))
(set logon-text (cat logon-text "/UserID#\n\n~vc\n"))
(if (askbool
(prompt "Are you sure you would like to have the following appended to "
"your LogOn.[txt] file(s)?\n\n"logon-text)
(help "Selecting YES to this option will ALTER your LogOn.[txt] file(s) "
"so that UserID will be executed upon logon."))
((foreach logon-txt-dir "(LogOn.txt|LogOn.gr#?)"
((set source-name (tackon logon-txt-dir @each-name))
(dest source-name)
(include source-name)
(append logon-text)
(prompt "Are you sure you would like to have the following appended to "
"the '"source-name"' file?\n\n"logon-text)
(help "Selecting YES to this option will ALTER the '"source-name"' file "
"so that UserID will be executed upon logon.")
(confirm "Expert")
(procedure add-timeon-logoff
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like the the TimeOn door appended to your Logoff.[txt] file(s)?")
(help "Selecting YES to this option will append the TimeOn Door call to the "
"end of your Logoff.[txt] file(s).\n\nNote: The Logoff.[txt] file(s) MUST "
"be displayed through MEBBSNet, and NOT through another door application. "
"If you have installed the DEFAULT MEBBSNet configuration, this door "
"should function properly."))
((set logoff-txt-dir
(prompt "In which drawer are the LogOff.[txt] file(s) located?")
(help "Select the directory in which the MEBBSNet text files are stored.")
(default "MEBBSNet:Txt")
(if (= 2 (exists logoff-txt-dir))
((set logoff-text "\n~v!DOOR/")
(set logoff-text (cat logoff-text UserID-Dir))
(set logoff-text (cat logoff-text "/TimeOn#\n\n"))
(if (askbool
(prompt "Are you sure you would like to have the following appended to "
"your LogOff.[txt] file(s)?\n\n"logoff-text)
(help "Selecting YES to this option will ALTER your LogOff.[txt] file(s) "
"so that they display the total connect time upon a user logoff."))
((foreach logoff-txt-dir "(LogOff.txt|LogOff.gr#?)"
((set source-name (tackon logoff-txt-dir @each-name))
(dest source-name)
(include source-name)
(append logoff-text)
(prompt "Are you sure you would like to have the following appended to "
"the '"source-name"' file?\n\n"logoff-text)
(help "Selecting YES to this option will ALTER the '"source-name"' file "
"so that it will display the total connect time upon a user logoff.")
(confirm "Expert")
(procedure copy-timeon-prg
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like to install the TimeOn door?")
(help "The TimeOn door displays a user's total connect time."))
(source source-dir) (dest UserID-Dir)
(pattern "TimeOn")
(procedure rename-old-dir
(set rename-text "Rename ")
(set rename-text (cat rename-text UserID-Dir))
(set rename-text (cat rename-text " "))
(set rename-text (cat rename-text UserID-Dir))
(set rename-text (cat rename-text "-Old"))
(run rename-text)
(procedure add-userid-logoff-scp
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like to append the 'UserID UPDATE' command your MEBBSNet "
"LogOff script?")
(help "Updating the LogOff script is necessary to use several of the text sequences. "
"If you do not update this file you must ensure that you do not use the text "
"sequences that require the 'UserID UPDATE' command or you must seek an alternate "
"solution to updating the data file."))
((set logoff-scp (askfile
(prompt "Select the LogOff Script file as defined in the Event_X.CFG file(s).")
(default "MEBBSNet:Scripts/LogOff.SCP");
(help "Select the LOGOFF filename as defined in the Event_X.CFG file."))
(if (= 1 (exists logoff-scp)) (
(set logoff-scp-text UserID-Dir)
(set logoff-scp-text (cat logoff-scp-text "/UserID UPDATE"))
(if (askbool
(prompt "Are you sure you would like to append the 'UserID UPDATE' command to the '"
logoff-scp"' file.\n\n\n Appending Command: '"logoff-scp-text"'")
(help "Selecting YES to this option will append the 'UserID UPDATE' command to the "
logoff-scp" file. This is necessary to use several text sequences."))
(textfile (dest logoff-scp) (include logoff-scp) (append logoff-scp-text)))
(procedure make-userid-dir
(if(= 0 install-icons) (makedir(UserID-Dir)))
(if(= 1 install-icons) (makedir(UserID-Dir) (infos)))
(procedure ask-install-icons
(set install-icons 0)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like the icons installed for UserID?")
(help "Selecting YES to this option will create the respective icons so that "
"the directory and documentation may be accessed through WorkBench."))
((set install-icons 1))
(procedure userid-update-install
(prompt "You currently have "@app-name" installed, would you like to "
"Update "@app-name"?")
(help "If you select YES to update, only the files that have changed since the "
"LAST version will be copied, otherwise the complete package will be "
"installed.\n\nNote: Old Files WILL be OVERWRITTEN, "
"so make sure you make backups of older files if desired."))
(prompt "Updating from VERSION 2.00 to 2.01\n\nWARNING the following "
"files will be OVERWRITTEN:\n\n UserID\nUserID.guide\n\nAre "
"you sure you would like to continue?")
(help "If you select YES to this option, older files will be OVERWRITTEN, "
"and the new version will be installed."))
((transcript "\nUpdate Installation...\n")
(complete 20) (ask-install-icons)
(complete 60) (copy-userid-prg)
(complete 80) (copy-userid-doc)
(procedure userid-full-install
(transcript "\nFull Installation...\n")
(complete 15) (ask-install-icons)
(complete 18) (make-userid-dir)
(complete 20) (copy-userid-prg)
(complete 30) (copy-userid-dat)
(complete 40) (copy-userid-text)
(complete 50) (copy-userid-doc)
(complete 60) (add-userid-logoff-scp)
(complete 75) (add-userid-logon)
(complete 90) (copy-timeon-prg)
(complete 95) (copy-shell-games)
(complete 00) (transcript "Installation script for " @app-name ".")
(complete 10) (select-destination-directory)
(if(exists UserId-Dir (noreq)) (userid-update-install))